Matt Lebofsky – bass, vocals
Matthew Charles Heulitt – guitar, vocals
Jon Arkin – drums
with Consider the Source
plays the drums
Matt Lebofsky – bass, vocals
Matthew Charles Heulitt – guitar, vocals
Jon Arkin – drums
with Consider the Source
Matt Lebofsky – bass, vocals
Matthew Charles Heulitt – guitar, vocals
Jon Arkin – drums
with Brian Kenney Fresno
Matt Lebofsky – bass, vocals
Matthew Charles Heulitt – guitar, vocals
Jon Arkin – drums
with Inner Ear Brigade & District 97
Hi folks,
First of all, welcome to the brand spanking new! It only took a cool baker’s-dozen-or-so orbits around the sun for me to get around to it, but at long last, the public’s demands for a functional website (i.e., built in this current/almost-expired decade) have brought about palpable change. Perhaps it functions as intended, even! (?) (if not, feel free to level complaints towards yours truly)
Meanwhile, 2019 is shaping up to be an exciting year for several projects that I’m involved with. My electro-acoustic collaborations with Ben Goldberg will be on display in a few different contexts; a rain check performance of his original production “Archimedes Lullaby” (the original date of which was postponed due to smoke from the Camp Fire), where I will be live processing an amazing group of musicians. Ben & I will also be playing more duo shows with my hybrid drums/laptop setup, so keep an eye on my calendar page for upcoming shows.
In January, I was thrilled to record with collaborator/composer Nathan Clevenger for his upcoming third album, and 2019 will feature some more shows for his large & small groups throughout the year. I’m also going to be recording with Ian Carey’s Wood/Metal/Plastic, and premiering a new loud-music project with Matt Lebofsky & Matthew Charles Heulitt.
Lots of dates, clips, and ramblings to come!