If you like immersive art, this is the party for you. Original music, conducted improv, invented instruments, projection, dynamic lighting, costumes, and an amazing cast of multimedia artists. For once, my own ridiculously large setup (drum set, controllers, sensors, mics, laptop, speaker) will simply be dwarfed by the sheer amount of fun-making equipment in that room.
California family reunion
You are cordially invited to join the Schimscheimer family as we (belatedly) celebrate the release of our newest album, Genogram. It’s not every day that we can entice our brother to visit from the east coast, after all.
Schimscheimer website is live
Friends! If you care to navigate to schimscheimerfamilytriomusic.com, you’ll discover a brand new web destination rich in Schimscheimer family content, as well as an intriguing mix of real and fabricated information. Fans of our original minimalistic web presence will surely be disappointed to find proper site navigation, as well as content produced within this decade and not the previous one. Apologies to the old guard, but such is the inevitable march of progress. Onwards!
NCG – Stateless
Nathan Clevenger is a comically prolific composer of unique & captivating music. His new album, “Stateless“, represents a sliver of his ridiculous output, and for every tune that made the cut, there are dozens more waiting in the wings. But, the tip of the iceberg that you get here is an excellent window into the intricacy of his writing, as the lineup of musicians is special & the engineering is awesome. Check it out! Especially the S tunes. (somehow the title track, also an S tune, didn’t even make it onto the album… as if to further prove my above statements)
Monstrika welcomes you
You should certainly behold the talents & general awesomeness of two of my favorite string ticklers, namely Matt Lebofsky and Matthew Charles Heulitt, with whom I have the pleasure of playing loud, dark, and complex music in a new band called Monstrika. They have a special knack for developing rather intricate riffs between the two of them, and they even let me out of my drummer cage on occasion to contribute rhythmic absurdities to the arrangements. You may ingest the resultant sounds at the Ivy Room on 6/12/19, an evening which will also feature District 97 and Inner Ear Brigade. More info here!
Winter 2019 news
Hi folks,
First of all, welcome to the brand spanking new jonarkin.net! It only took a cool baker’s-dozen-or-so orbits around the sun for me to get around to it, but at long last, the public’s demands for a functional website (i.e., built in this current/almost-expired decade) have brought about palpable change. Perhaps it functions as intended, even! (?) (if not, feel free to level complaints towards yours truly)
Meanwhile, 2019 is shaping up to be an exciting year for several projects that I’m involved with. My electro-acoustic collaborations with Ben Goldberg will be on display in a few different contexts; a rain check performance of his original production “Archimedes Lullaby” (the original date of which was postponed due to smoke from the Camp Fire), where I will be live processing an amazing group of musicians. Ben & I will also be playing more duo shows with my hybrid drums/laptop setup, so keep an eye on my calendar page for upcoming shows.
In January, I was thrilled to record with collaborator/composer Nathan Clevenger for his upcoming third album, and 2019 will feature some more shows for his large & small groups throughout the year. I’m also going to be recording with Ian Carey’s Wood/Metal/Plastic, and premiering a new loud-music project with Matt Lebofsky & Matthew Charles Heulitt.
Lots of dates, clips, and ramblings to come!